High tech HVAC from a common sense team
Exact Air are market leaders in the design, installation and repair of all types of heating, ventilation and air conditioning units .
» READ MOREEnergy Assessments
Exact Air are fully accredited to carry out all the latest statutory government air conditioning energy inspections and assessments, let us help take a load off your mind.
The EPBD energy performance of building directive, requires that all buildings with installed air-conditioning with an effective duty of 12kw or greater, have an air conditioning energy assessment and report completed by 4th January 2011. This 12kw threshold is for the total air conditioning duty installed in a building, not just for each individual air conditioning unit.
There have been other times scales in place for air conditioning assessments, but many of these have now passed, and if you have 'Technical Function Control' of a building with over 250kw effective duty of air conditioning, an energy assessment report should have been completed by 4th January 2009. If you are not sure whether this has been carried out, contact us without delay to avoid the risk of fines for non compliance!
Whilst none of us like the idea of more legislation and red tape, the facts are that air conditioning alone accounts for 30% of the energy consumption in this country, and it is in everyone's interests to ensure that all HVAC systems are operating as efficiently as possible – inefficient systems result in higher bills for users and increased Co2 emissions.
Exact Air have over 25 years of knowledge and experience in the air conditioning industry and our air conditioning energy inspections report will not only help you comply with the latest regulations, it will also help to improve the efficiency of your air conditioning system. Increased HVAC efficiency means reduced running costs, lower energy bills and lower harmful emissions, a real win- win result for a very modest outlay.
Significant efficiency improvements can usually be made for little or no cost and by implementing our recommendations, our report can quickly pay for itself many times over. Where appropriate, we can also advise on the benefits of replacing outdated equipment with the latest technology. Escalating energy costs often mean that you can quickly recoup an investment in new equipment, whilst at the same time you benefit from a modern reliable installation.
Don't hesitate to contact us for friendly advice on air conditioning energy inspections, and a copy of our free pre assessment check list.
Exact Air are fully QUIDOS accredited, Certificate No.201575, and your efficiency reports can be updated on the LANDMARK REGISTER.
For further information, please download and review the CLG Documentation pdf Legislation; The Energy Performance of Buildings (Certificates and Inspections) (England and Wales) Regulations 2007 SI 2007/991 amended by SI 2007/1669, SI 2007/3302 and SI 2008/647.
Rapid call out service

Emergency repairs
A HVAC failure or malfunction is more than just an inconvenience – it can cut your productivity, discourage customers, damage delicate stock and equipment, and cost you money.
Case Studies

Security Company
This air conditioning installation required two individual systems within the same building and was carried out while the offices were occupied, with minimum the disruption to the occupants.
In line with the recent changes in air conditioning legislation and the requirement for ozone friendly refrigerant gasses and energy efficiency, Exact Air can supply the latest generation INVERTER DRIVE Heat Pump air conditioning systems, many of which feature on the Government Energy list, see http://etl.decc.gov.uk/etl
Subject to your companies tax profile, these may qualify for a tax advantage.
Contact us for a rapid response
Get in touch with any queries or if you require further information.
(01295) 710831
(01295) 711892